
SPOT UV Printing: Modern & Eye-catching designs!

Get Inspired!

Check out this 3 minute video showcasing different ways to use SPOT-UV coating on your business cards for a modern
and eye-catching design.

As the name suggests, a Spot UV coating or "varnish" is

applied to chosen spots (areas), of a printed card. This has 

the affect of highlighting and drawing attention to that part of 

the design, but it also provides the additional visual stimulus 

of having varied textures on a single printed surface. This 

adds a lot of interest, and can identify the printing as a 

premium piece in the perception of the reader.

1 comment:

  1. Gud site for online printers..These days <a href="http://www.oprintjet.com/product-tag/uv-printer-a2/>UV printers</a> are much in demand.
